Our vision and ethos
We the whole staff of triangle Nursery School aim to:
Our strategies to achieve these aims are to:
- SUPPORT children to reach their maximum potential and
- TO BECOME confident, self motivated, independent learners who will
- RESPECT AND VALUE themselves, other people and the environment.
Our strategies to achieve these aims are to:
- PROVIDE the children with a stimulating and exciting environment to give them the opportunity for all round educational development.
- PLAN, PROVIDE, MONITOR AND EVALUATE a broad based Early Years Curriculum both inside and outside.
- MEET the needs of individual children through assessment and planning.
- MAINTAIN a safe and secure, friendly environment, where children can work without fear of being teased or bullied.
- PROMOTE the use of good manners and discourage rude and inappropriate language or behaviour within the school.
- ENSURE that all children are given equal access to all areas of the curriculum irrespective of race, gender, religion or individual Special Educational Needs.
- RESPECT AND VALUE the contributions of all parents/carers- in that they know their children best.
- KEEP ongoing records of the children's work and to share these with the parents/carers.
- MAKE all parents/carers, children and visitors feel welcome in the school.