Learning to communicate, read and write
Communication, language and literacy are the threads which connect all the learning experiences children will have during their time at Triangle. This will help them to communicate and listen well so that they can develop their knowledge and understanding across all the areas of learning and the stimulating experiences we plan for them.
Children will be encouraged and inspired to make marks and develop their communications skills inside and outside using a variety of motivating resources. The adults will model mark making and encourage all children to celebrate the marks that they make.
We have a regular group session for our children that are more able communicators and whose literacy skills are well developed. This is targeted around the further development of these skills.
Children will be encouraged and inspired to make marks and develop their communications skills inside and outside using a variety of motivating resources. The adults will model mark making and encourage all children to celebrate the marks that they make.
We have a regular group session for our children that are more able communicators and whose literacy skills are well developed. This is targeted around the further development of these skills.